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An age-old luxury material that’s surprisingly modern

Used as a drumhead in prehistoric times, and developed as a writing medium in the 2nd century BC, parchment is a material with a rich history that has spanned the millennia. The support of illuminated sacred books in the Middle Ages, highly prized by furniture designers from the 1930s to the 1950s, the material for lampshades of yesteryear, sought-after by percussionists, parchment is timeless… Today, it is used to dress designer furniture and wall panels in exceptional settings.

Precise, time-consuming, meticulous craftsmanship!

Parchment is a luxurious and unique material obtained from the transformation of animal skin, from which only the entire dermis is retained, stripped of the fur. This transformation involves precise, meticulous craftsmanship in a number of stages. From the moment the raw hide arrives at the tannery until it is finished, it can take up to a month and a half of preparation. For four generations, we’ve been producing and marketing our parchment, processed on site in our tannery, with no intermediaries. We are your sole point of contact, and we make it a point of honor to answer all your technical questions. In order to be able to respond to your request as quickly as possible, we keep various types of parchment in stock.

A millennium-old luxury material that’s surprisingly modern.

From writing surface to luxury wallcovering!

Used as a drumhead in prehistoric times, and developed as a writing medium in the 2nd century BC, parchment is a material with a rich history that has spanned the millennia. The support of illuminated sacred books in the Middle Ages, highly prized by furniture designers from the 1930s to the 1950s, the material for lampshades of yesteryear, sought-after by percussionists, parchment is timeless… Today, it is used to dress designer furniture and wall panels in exceptional settings.

Human contact saves precious time!

Come and tell us what you want!

For a first order, we advise you to make an appointment and come and explain to us the constraints of your business and your project. The storage room has been designed to display our various products. You can also tell us your parchment preferences. Knowing your specific needs, we can offer you a regular, high-quality service that meets your exact expectations. Human contact saves precious time!

Find out more about parchment…

The booklet “Le Parchemin, Fabrication et Usages” and the DVD “Il était une fois le parchemin…”.

The Tannerie Parcheminerie DUMAS, in collaboration with the Espace Muséal team, and student illuminators from the Association d’Or et de Pigments, present the booklet “Le Parchemin, Fabrication et Usages”.

Also discover the DVD of Jean-Louis Vey’s film “Au pays du cuir… Il était une fois le parchemin”.

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In pictures, our scrolls through the achievements of our customers and partners.

The right parchment for every project!